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  双方友好交往始于2003年11月。2008年,双方签约,成为友好城市;2018年,续签了友城协议。两地的政府交往比较密切,多次派遣代表团互访交流。此外,还多次开展了卓有成效的师生友好交往。2020年3月,新冠疫情期间,戴维斯市市长向我区发来慰问信,对我区表示关切,并由该市友协会长夏蓉 休梅克女士组织赠送了一批口罩,支持我区抗击新冠肺炎。

  Introduction to Davis, California

  The City of Davis was founded in 1868. It is located adjacent to San Francisco Bay in northern California, 120 kilometers northeast of San Francisco and 500 kilometers north of Los Angeles. Davis is endowed with picturesque scenery and abundant tourism resources, including widespread redwood trees, Pacific beach and winding coastline. It covers an area of about 26 square kilometers with a population of approximately 64,300. It has convenient traffic linked with several express ways and close to deep-water port, international airport and inter-state railway. In light of its advantageous geographic position and convenient traffic, the University of California at Davis was established here in 1908, which has gradually become the education center of California and attracted more people to settle in Davis. 

  The friendly exchanges between Davis and Huishan dated back to November, 2003. The two sides signed the sister-city treaty in 2008 and renewed it in 2018. There are frequent mutual visits between our two governments as well as productive exchanges between schools. In March 2020, mayor of Davis sent a letter of condolence to Huishan and expressed his concern for our COVID-19 epidemic. Ms Sharon Shoemaker, chair of Davis-Huishan Sister-city Committee, coordinated the donation of masks to us in support of our fight against the epidemic.